
In case of any doubts, technical problems, inquiries on availability, advice on product range or any other issues, feel free to contact us. We offer two ways for our Customers to contact our specialists – over phone and by e-mail. We guarantee effective response to an inquiry made by any method within 24h.

Because our store sells lenses worldwide (although mainly to the United States, far and wide), and we are a small company with only a few employees, we don’t have the ability to support our Customers over telephone 24h a day. If you prefer this form of contact, we kindly ask you to fill out the form and request a phone call at the time that suits you most. We always call back. Your satisfaction, good mutual relations and loyal, returning Customers are all important to us. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Call us: +1 (646) 337-8123

E-mail: guaranteed reply within 24h
